There are two worship services every Sunday morning.
The exceptions to this schedule are for Stewardship Sunday (last Sunday in October/first Sunday in November) and Annual Meeting (last Sunday in January), when there may be one service only. Also, the time may shift if there’s a holiday (as with Easter and Christmas).
You may also check our News page for the most current schedule.
Most Sundays, we worship with Holy Communion; very occasionally we will worship with Morning Prayer.
8 AM Sunday
Holy Communion
Rite I (traditional language)
On Sundays at 8am, we have Holy Communion Rite I worship. This service is in-person only.
Please go here for current COVID safety protocols.
10:30 AM Sunday
Holy Communion
Rite II (contemporary language)
On Sundays at 10:30am, we worship together with Holy Communion with a special “hybrid” format:
We worship together in-person in the church building, with a simultaneous livestream on Zoom.
To join us for the Zoom livestream of any 10:30am service, follow these instructions:
- From your Zoom app or using your browser, connect here:
- Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128
- Meeting ID: 826 9002 5101
This Sunday, February 16, 2025:
This Sunday, February 16, 2025, is the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany. There will be 2 worship services, Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8am in the church, and Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30am in the church with a livestream on Zoom.
The link and instructions for joining at 10:30am on Zoom may be found above. The bulletin for the 10:30 am service may be found here.
Note: If you are attending on Zoom, please be sure your Zoom account identifies with first and last name.
You may also check our News & Events for the specifics on this coming Sunday or holiday services.
For COVID protocols on Holy Eucharist services click here.
Weekday Online Worship
Tuesdays, 5pm Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina
- led by Pastor Salying
- Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128
- meeting ID# 89609758620
Wednesdays, 12:15pm Noonday Prayer with Study of the Psalms
- led by Pastor Salying
- Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128
- meeting ID# 86313271549
Thursdays, 6:30pm Intercessory Prayer Vespers
- led by Deacon Bertram
- Password: 896 9918 8717
- Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128
- meeting ID# 151825096 Password: 225424