Urgent Pastoral Care
If you are having a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Do not wait for a response from the church for life-threatening emergencies. An urgent pastoral care call is one in which time is of the essence. For example, when someone is near death and there’s a need for “last rites”. The pastor is available to come as soon as she can, even at odd hours. Please do both of these things.
- Call the Parish Office (408) 736-4155
- Contact the Parish through the email system, which reaches both the office and the pastor.
Since hospitals do not always contact the church, we encourage parishioners, especially those who live alone, to add Saint Thomas to their list of emergency contacts. We also encourage parishioners to provide the church a copy of their emergency contacts list.
The Caring Hearts and Hands Committee
The Caring Hearts and Hands Committee, headed by Deacon Bertram, responds to needs within our parish for support. The support may be for visits, a ride to a medical appointment, a meal after a loss, etc.. The committee is especially concerned for caregivers, those who care for those in need. It aims to show support by sending cards and prayers. Please contact Deacon Bertram if you have a need: bertramemail@gmail.com
Eucharistic Visitation
Even in this time of COVID, the church can bring you communion. Everything will be COVID safe. The communion will only be a pre-packaged wafer, placed at your step. (No wine.) From a safe distance, the eucharistic visitor will say a prayer with you. Please wear your mask if you request this service. Contact Pastor Salying at pastorsalying@stthomas.svale.us if you’d like to receive communion.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain at St. Thomas is a group of people dedicated to lifting up our concerns to God. If you need prayers or would like to join this team, please email prayerchain@stthomas-svale.us.