All of our groups welcome you. Contact us for more information about schedules and how you can join. We are currently an online community due to COVID.
Baptism, Confirmation, Reception
If you would like to join a class to discern baptism, confirmation and reception into the Episcopal Church, please contact Pastor Salying. Baptism is scheduled on certain feast days and confirmation/reception will be at the next bishop’s visit.
Adult Education Classes and Forums
Adult Education forums and classes are a centerpiece of adult spiritual formation. We hold forums and classes on church history, bible study, liturgy and contemporary issues. See News and Events for our latest offerings.
Book Club
Book Club usually meets once a month from 7 to 8 p.m. on zoom on Mondays. We are an open book club: All are welcome, whether you have read the book or not. Please join us—contact Dorothy Furgerson for the Zoom link and current book selection.
Men’s Spirituality Group
Zooming in for Men’s Spiritual Growth Group. Yes! Now you can be there in your pajamas (at least), and therefore sleep a bit longer. But on the other hand we can no longer advertise coffee + if you arrive a bit early. We are now meeting weekly with a standard format, alternating between wondering what the scriptures might be leading us to personally on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays (9-10 AM on your computer), and on the other Saturdays, a check-in and just for sanity’s sake (starting at 9 AM). Our Zoom meetings are password protected so you’ll need to connect with Chris Schmidt if you are new to the group. We invite all men (even those not a part of St. Thomas) to join with us for fellowship and good discussion.