Classes begin at 10:30 AM. We kindly ask that parents of new students arrive a few minutes early to register your children for class. Teachers will be available for assistance with registration in each of the designated classrooms located in the Education Building.
Children Ages 4 to 7 will meet in the Heart Classroom while Children ages 8 to 11 will gather in the Treasure Classroom.
Nursery Care is available for children ages 0 to age 4 in the Education Building.
Children ages 4 to 7 will be learning about Saint Margaret in the Heart Classroom.
Children ages 8 through 11 in the Treasure Classroom are exploring the new curriculum that is being piloted this year. We will be doing Lectionary Lessons this Sunday. So, remember to bring your Bibles!
For Education Building location, see Directions and Campus Map.
The readings for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost are: Psalm 16, The First reading is Daniel 12:1-3, the Second Reading is Hebrews 10:11-14 and the Gospel is Mark 13:1-8.
THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: The Christmas Pageant Rehearsal will be held in the Disciples Room after the 10:30 Worship Service Nov 15th and 22nd. We will be measuring for costumes this coming Sunday. The Pageant will be held on December 20th during the 10:30 worship Service.
CLASS SCHEDULE: No Classes next week. Family Eucharist will take place in lieu of classes on November 22nd as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Students will worship with their families in Church that day.
ADVENT: On November 29th we will Celebrate the First Sunday in Advent. The children will meet in the Narthex to light the Advent Wreath. After the lighting of the Wreath students will process to the Classrooms where they will create a special project to take home. Be sure to be on time.
Remember to check the website calendar for upcoming events and class information. Don’t forget to check the weekly slider update the day before!
If you would like to teach during the regular school year or help out in the classrooms, please contact Sue Beckham (see below).
If you have any questions, please Contact Sue.