This is Father Rob’s last Sunday serving Saint Thomas as interim rector. There will be a barbecue following the 10:30 a.m. worship service to celebrate his time with us. After service, proceed to Cowans Hall and the the Alpha-Omega Patio for fellowship and good eats! Thanks to PEP (Parish Event Planners), we will be enjoying sumptuous (beef, chicken and vegetarian) shish kabobs!
Please bring a tasty appetizer, veggie side or ethnic dish to share. Lunch will be highlighted by poetry, presentations and a choral tribute tribute together with a sweet finish of cake and ice cream!
Classes will be held in the Heart and Treasure classrooms at 10:30 AM, see Directions and Campus Map for location
The readings for Trinity Sunday are as follows: Psalm 29, The first reading is Isaiah 6:1-8, the second reading is Romans 8: 12-17 and the Gospel Reading is John 3:1-17.
The Annual Picnic will be held on June 14th at Washington Park following the 10:30 a.m. worship service. This is the second of the two morning services in which Family Eucharist will be celebrated and Acolytes will serve. All families are asked to bring a side dish, salad or dessert to complete our Barbecue meal. We will hold traditional Picnic Games in the Park.
Vacation Bible School will be held on June 22 through June 26. We will meet in the Education Building at 9:30 and will end at Noon. We will have stories, music, games, creation of themed snacks, science experiments, and arts and crafts. Cost for the week is $45.00.
Remember to check the website calendar for upcoming events and class information. Don’t forget to look on the Homepage for the weekly slider!
This summer we will begin training new Acolytes for service in the fall. If your child is eight (8) years old or will be by the end of the summer, he/she are eligible to serve as an Acolyte. Those who participate make a commitment to serve once a month at the altar. More info to come…
If you would like to teach a Summer Sunday, please contact Sue Beckham (see below). You are welcome to share your ideas.
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to teach, please Contact Sue.