Introduced in the fall, the message below for 2019 Stewardship is a calling of support for St. Thomas in the coming year 2020 – well, we’re here
The message remains as an invitation to participate in the live of the church and there are a variety of opportunities to give of time, resources and heart. Please read on…
Message on Stewardship
Dear Good People of St. Thomas,
I’m excited by this year’s stewardship theme, “Shining Our Light.” That theme,taken from the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, speaks to us as individuals and as a community of faith. Individually, each of us is called to make sure we are letting God’s light shine through our work, our friendships, our service and our giving. We are called to be light bearers. It is a powerful calling.
As a faith community, St. Thomas must shine the light of Christ through our worship, welcoming, pastoral care and ministry to the wider community. How we use our time, talents, and treasure determines how brightly we are shining our light.
At St. Thomas, I’m often blown away by the various ways members of our church keep their light shining brightly. Some of us make sure the snacks at the coffee hour are delicious and abundant. Others participate in our worship either by singing in the choir or assisting in the service. Still others prepare the worship space with flowers or work to maintain our buildings and grounds. Many of us also represent the church in our participation of various community service programs like Our Daily Bread and the ESL program.
While during this pledge drive, each of us is asked to make a generous financial pledge for the coming year, I’m also grateful for the many gifts of time, food, and skills from virtually every member of this church.
I hope you’ll join me as we work together to shine our light in church, in our community and in our lives.
Ann Kopischke
Stewardship Chair
Stewardship Events
OCTOBER 27: Stewardship Luncheon (Very informative and wonderful event!)
NOVEMBER 3RD: In-gathering of Pledges (Thank you for your stewardship!)
Accepting Pledges
For those who are still prayerfully planning their pledge for the 2020 fiscal year, we welcome your pledges.
For anyone that would like to participate in the financial support of St. Thomas, there are pledge cards located in the back of the church. These can be filled out & submitted with the offering received during Sunday and midweek worship services. Additionally, there are designated offering boxes in the back of the church and in the foyer entrance to Cowans Hall for your convenience.
You may also submit your pledges by mail to: St. Thomas Episcopal Church located at 231 Sunset Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94086.
Thank you for sharing in our ministry.