Palm Sunday is just around the corner. Please consider sharing your talents and helping out with services during Holy Week.
Schedule of Services
Review the service schedule below for dates and times. To participate, check-out the sign-up sheets located on clipboards at the back table of the narthex in the church sanctuary, see Directions & Campus Map.
Your Participation is Welcomed and Requested
Leaders and readers are needed for Morning and Evening Prayer, and Eucharistic Ministers for Maundy Thursday and Easter Vigil.
Calling All Story-Tellers
Easter Vigil story-tellers are being organized by the Performing Arts Guild, who will meet this Sunday after the 10:30 am service. Your are cordially invited to attend the meeting if you would like to participate.
If you have questions or have an interest in plugging into one of the services or activities planned, please Contact Us.
Palm Sunday – March 29
8:00 and 10:30 am Palm Processional and Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Contemplative service with Holy Eucharist
Monday – March 30
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:30 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Tuesday – March 31
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:30 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Wednesday – April 1
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:30 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Maundy Thursday – April 2
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:30 pm Holy Eucharist and Foot-washing in the Church
Good Friday – April 3
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
12:10 pm Traditional Stations of the Cross
7:30 pm Contemporary Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday – April 4
7:30 pm The Great Easter Vigil in the Courtyard and Church
Easter Sunday – April 5
8:00 and 10:30 am Festive Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Contemplative service with Holy Eucharist