The following worship services have been added.
Thanksgiving 2021
Thursday, November 25—Thanksgiving Day: 10:30am Eucharist Rite II Hybrid (in-person and on zoom)
Advent & Christmas 2021
Sunday worship will continue as it has recently been set up, until just before Christmas.
Advent 3 Sunday December 12 there will be two worship services on the usual schedule, 8am Holy Eucharist in person, and 10:30 am Morning Prayer on Zoom. Both these services will feature our Christmas Pageant.
The last Sunday in Advent, December 19, there will be two worship services on the usual schedule, 8am Holy Eucharist in person, and 10:30 am Morning Prayer on Zoom. Both these services will feature Lessons & Carols.
December 24—Christmas Eve, one service at 4pm, in person Holy Eucharist Rite II, with a Zoom link for remote attendance.
There will be no service on December 25.
Sunday, December 26—1 Christmas, one service at 9am, in person (hybrid with Zoom link) Holy Eucharist Rite II,