Sunday Outdoor Eucharist on June 27
Worship in person or worship online together on Sunday, June 27. The plan for the in-person: please bring your own chair (or let us know if you have mobility needs, and we’ll reserve a bench for you), and if you have one, a canopy for shade. We are currently revamping our sound system set-up – detailed requirements will be posted prior to the service. We will meet on the Labyrinth courtyard and there will be some canopies set up. If you wish to bring an umbrella, please place yourself at the six-foot markers near the church building, so you don’t obstruct the view. Communion will be served in one kind, the bread.
Those joining from elsewhere may dial in using +16699009128,,82690025101# or come in on video here.
A registration form will be sent out to current parishioners. (You are not required to register, but it would be very helpful for the worship team to plan.) Please join us!
The next in-person service will be July 25, exact format TBD.