Come and learn what’s new with the e-Scrip program (and there are lots of new things).
Informational sessions will be held April 10th and May 22nd following both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. We will also have information available at the May 1st BBQ.
St. Thomas provides people with a place to grow in faith, hope and love. In addition, we offer use of our facilities and volunteers in support of community service. We do this by partnering with organizations like Al Anon, Faith in Action Silicon Valley Rotating Shelter, Our Daily Bread, and more to offer a welcome meeting place, a hot meal, a hospitable stay and a fresh start to those with hopes of a better life. That’s only a little glimpse of the things we do. We welcome your support in helping us keep up the good work!
Sign up for the eScrip program – have contributions made to “Saint Thomas Episcopal Church” whenever you shop at one of the participating online or local merchants, dine-out or book travel. Many provide savings to you through promotional offers and coupons in addition to giving back.
For more details about how it works, follow the link to HOW IT WORKS.
Escrip hosts an Online Mall with a variety of categories to choose from including apparel & shoes, auto & travel, computers & software, flowers & gifts, gourmet & grocery, office & school supplies, pet supplies and many more.
A few of the participating online & local merchants include the Apple Store,, Sur La Table,; Draeger’s, Lunardi’s, and Molly Stone’s.
To learn about more ways to earn with eSCRIP, come to one of our informational sessions on two Sundays: April 10th or May 22nd. Inforamtion will also be made available during the May 1st BBQ. For those web-surfers in our midst, you may also follow the link to WHERE TO EARN.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please Contact Us.