Dear Friends & Parents,
A Reminder for Sunday November 4, 2018. These are the readings that will be shared for the Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost: Psalm 146, The First Reading is Ruth 1:1-18, The Second Reading is Hebrews 9:11-14, and the Gospel is Mark 12:28-34.
For the children (large and small), a memory verse for your enjoyment and spiritual growth: ”Shout praises to the Lord!” – from the Psalm 146 (CEV or Contemporary English Version).
No Sunday School
We are taking time off from Sunday School in celebration for All Saints Sunday. Students will instead be joining their families for worship together as a full faith community. Sunday school will resume again the following weekend.
All Saints Sunday
This Sunday, children will arrive with their families for the 10:30 AM worship service in the main church sanctuary. Come and enjoy a wonderful service and learn more about Christian saints.
There will be student participation with readings about various Saints during service.
Pledge Sunday
In addition, this is the day set aside as Pledge Sunday when we dedicate our pledges of time, tithe and talents to the Lord’s work through the church at St. Thomas. This is something we do voluntarily out of a spirit of giving to bring continuity to the faith community that was started over 150 years ago here in Sunnyvale.
If you are in need of a pledge card, they are located on the back table of the Narthex (just inside the big red church doors – to the right).
First Visit
If you are checking us out for the first time, please feel free to fill out a visitor’s card so that we may offer you a heartfelt welcome. Thank you for coming 🙂
Nursery Care
Nursery Care will be held in the back of the Church with Tina.