Whole Congregation Formation aims to educate the mind and spirit in an intergenerational format at Sunday worship and in a following engagement. We want to teach anyone present and to mix our congregation so that we also learn about each other in a way that builds our minds, our relationship with God, and with one another. Whole Congregation Formation makes it easy to reach as many of our congregation members as possible by doing this on Sunday, when most people are already at church. Our other education programs have a more limited reach because people can’t make it because of jobs, mobility, traffic, etc.
In recent months and for a few months to come, the focus will be on topics normally taught at confirmation. Our last event in February was on the Old Testament. This coming one on March 10 will be on Lent, and the one planned for April 14 will focus on Holy Week. This will prepare anyone who wishes to be confirmed when the bishop visits us on May 5.
We ask that everyone bring a bag lunch and some small thing to share in their sack. The Whole Congregation Formation event on March 10 will not have lunch served, as had been done in prior events. So, please look forward to sharing your lunch with someone nearby.
slider image – (taken from a section of) original artwork The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (1559) by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1526/1530–1569).