Whether you’re an experienced choir singer who wants to enhance your performance skills, or you’ve been thinking of giving choral singing a try, but aren’t sure what it takes, St. Thomas has the perfect opportunity for you! Join us for …
Unveiling the Mysteries of Vocal Technique: A Choral Workshop
Saturday, February, 16, 2019
9:00 AM—2:00 PM including a 1-hour lunch break
Instructor: Grace Johnson
The individual singer will appreciate their unique voice and understand their value to the choir by 1) understanding voice physiology and the mechanics of singing technique, and 2) recognizing the unique qualities of their own voice and personality.
Participants will be in for a fun and fulfilling experience as Grace leads us through these topics:
• An overview of the body parts needed for singing, and of singing technique
• Targeted warm up stretches and vocal exercises
• Health of the voice
• Strategies for modifying group instruction to fit the individual
• Clarification of often-misunderstood singing terminology
• Graceful transition as the voice evolves over time
• Discerning between scientific and (equally valid) imagery terminology
• Brainstorming solutions to singing roadblocks
• Preparation of an anthem
Grace Johnson has been singing in church choirs for 62 years. She holds the Masters of Music (MM) in Voice Performance/Pedagogy from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro and the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in Voice Performance from Shenandoah Conservatory. Her teaching career spans nearly five decades and includes Private Voice; Pre-K through High School Choral/General Music; and College Voice and Music courses. Currently, Grace maintains a private voice studio in Mesa, Arizona and sings with several choirs at All Saints Episcopal Church in Phoenix. Before moving to Arizona, she was a member of the St.Thomas Church Choir.
This is a benefit event for St. Thomas and its music program. A donation of $20 will be graciously received to cover instruction, materials and lunch, or $15 if you prefer to bring your own lunch. All checks shall be payable to: “St. Thomas Episcopal Church” noting “choral workshop” on the memo line.
Register by February 9th with St.Thomas Choir Director, Patricia Pietrzyk at
Grace will also be offering pre- and post-workshop vocal coaching according to the schedule outlined below. Sign-ups are available for individual or small group sessions (30- or 60-minutes) with an additional freewill donation. Email Patricia Pietrzyk no later than February 9th to reserve your session.
• Thu, February 14th, 2-5PM
• Fri, February 15th, 6PM onward
• Sun, February 17th, 4-7PM
• Mon, February 18th, 2-5PM