Your Feedback is Important
Thanks for submitting the surveys and for the participation of 60 people in the May Parish Forum. We are tabulating and analyzing the results of the 90+ surveys we’ve received as well as discussing the notes from the Forum.
Children and Youth Forum
We will be getting additional input at a special 30-minute forum on Sunday, June 15 at 10:30AM, from the children and youth, in conjunction with Sue Beckham, Family Ministry Director.
Next Parish Forum
We are planning a follow-up Parish Forum on Sunday evening, June 22. More details about the Forum will be coming soon.
To send us an email with your questions, please click on the following link: Rector Search Committee.
You may also follow up directly with a member:
Jim Cobb (chair), Nancy Allgeier, Cal Cornwell, C. J. Gomez, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck, Lindsay Jacobson, Chris Kenward, Bob Kunz, Lou Poulain, Ann Stevenson, and Keri Williams.
We appreciate your continued prayers and support.