Pentecost is the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples in Jerusalem. It takes place 50 days after Easter. Considered the beginning of the Christian Church, today many regard Pentecost as the Church’s birthday. Red is the color associated with the flames of Pentecost, so wear your best “red” duds and come celebrate this special day with us!
Classes will be held in the Heart and Treasure classrooms at 10:30 AM, see Directions and Campus Map for location
The Day of Pentecost readings: Psalm 104:25-35, 37, The first reading is Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14, the Second reading is Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21, and the Gospel is John 15:26-27;16:4b-15.
Joyful Noise will have choir practice from 10:00 to 10:30 AM in the Treasure classroom. All Children are welcome to participate! Those interested, please report to the Treasure Classroom promptly at 10:00 AM before the regular Sunday School session. The Nursery Care will be available.
Sunday, May 31st will be Father Rob’s last Sunday serving Saint Thomas. There will be a barbecue following the Worship Service to celebrate his time with us.
The Annual Picnic will be held on June 14th at Washington Park following the Church Service and this will be a Family Eucharist.
Remember to check the website calendar for upcoming events and class information. Don’t forget to look on the Homepage for the weekly slider!
If you have any questions, please Contact Sue.
This summer we will begin training new Acolytes for service in the fall. If your child is eight (8) years old or will be by the end of the summer, he/she are eligible to serve as an Acolyte. Those who participate make a commitment to serve once a month at the altar. More info to come…