Flower Crosses, Reading & Processional
This Sunday the children will hand out the flower crosses they made in class to parishioners and guests to carry in the Palm Procession.
Join us in gathering in front of the church for a reading of the Gospel for Palm Sunday followed by a processional circling Washington Park before returning back to the church.
Heart Classroom – Happenings
Back on campus, children ages (*4-12) will congregate in the Heart classroom of the Smith Educational Building to continue watching a video about the story of Easter and events leading up to this hallowed day beginning with Palm Sunday.
Time will also be set aside to rehearse for those participating in the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 31st @ 6 PM. Mark your calendars – even if you’d just like to come out and enjoy the festivities! It will be a night of songs and s’mores around the fire on the plaza. It is a wonderful time to hear some of the stories of our faith.
Children will also begin to fill the Easter Blessing Baskets and if anybody can stay after worship service to fill Easter eggs with goodies for the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt, your help is greatly appreciated! Volunteers are also needed to hide eggs on Easter Sunday – let somebody know if you can come out a little earlier next Sunday to help out.
Nursery Care is available for infants and children (up to 4 years*) during the 10:30 AM morning service with Tina in the Nursery, also located in the Smith Educational Building.
For campus locations, please see Directions and Campus Map.
Hello Parents and Guardians – if this is your student’s first time with us, please arrive a few minutes early to register your child.
We follow safe church practices, so its important that we know who’s in attendance, have parents(s) or guardian(s) check children in-and-out, and provide us us with any important details including contact info in the event of an emergency. Teachers are happy to help 🙂
Education building doors are locked 10 minutes after church service begins for added security…so give yourself a little extra time this first day. Teachers will be available to offer assistance to parents and children with registration, questions or any special needs – just introduce yourself and they’ll take it from there. Thanks so much and we look forward to meeting you!
Psalm 118:1,2,19-29, The First Reading is Isaiah 50:4-9a, the Second Reading is Philippians 2:5-11 and the Gospel is Mark 11:1-11.
“God bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” – Psalms 118:26 (CEV – Contemporary English Version)
MAUNDY THURSDAY, MARCH 29TH @ 7 PM: Maundy Thursday Soup Supper, foot washing, and communion in Cowans Hall followed by the stripping the altar in the church sanctuary for Good Friday.
GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 30TH @ NOON & 7 PM: Afternoon and evening worship service times offered for Good Friday.
THE GREAT EASTER VIGIL – SATURDAY, MARCH 31ST @ 6 PM: s’mores, songs and storytelling around a campfire on the Plaza.
EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 1ST @ 9 AM: Easter celebration and worship service in Church followed by the annual Easter Egg Hunt festivities on the Plaza.
Check the Parish Calendar and the HOLY WEEK & EASTER SERVICE SCHEDULE Post circulating in the slideshow on the Home Page for more details on upcoming events during Holy Week.
For questions or interest in volunteering, contact Sue Beckham, Family Ministry Director.