This Sunday is the first day of Sunday School classes.
Registration continues this Sunday for new students and anyone unable to attend last week. Registration will take place in designated classrooms located in the Education Building. Children Ages 4 to 7 will meet in the Heart Classroom while Children ages 8 to 11 will gather in the Treasure Classroom.
Children ages 4 to 7 will have a lesson on Creation: It took seven days for God to create a world in which we live. How did he do it? Come to Sunday School and find out!
Children ages 8 through 11 will learn about each other and experience a new Curriculum that we are piloting this year. Remember to bring your Bibles!
Nursery Care is available for children ages 0 to age 4 in the Education Building.
For Education Building location, see Directions and Campus Map.
The Readings for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost are as Follows: Psalm 54, the First reading is Jeremiah 11:18-20, the Second Reading is James 3:13—4:3,7-8a and the Gospel is Mark 9:30-37.
Sunday, October 4th – an animal blessing will take place in honor of Saint Francis. Make sure to bring your treasured pet, photo of a beloved feathered-friend or even favorite plushy ones! We we gather as a community to bless and rejoice these special members of our community followed by a reception on the plaza after morning service to share some cake and kibble! – Come one, come all!
Remember to check the website calendar for upcoming events and class information. Don’t forget to check the weekly slider update the day before!
If you would like to teach during the regular school year or help out in the classrooms, please contact Sue Beckham (see below).
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please Contact Sue.