All classes (ages 4-6; 7-12) will meet in the Smith Educational Building, in the “Heart” classroom. We will have a combined lesson on All Saints Day, play related games and also have the regular Lectionary lesson.
Time will be set aside to discuss the Christmas Pageant and tap student interest in the roles available for participation. We will also prepare for the Bishop’s Visit the following Sunday, November 13th and rehearse saint readings for the service.
Childcare for infants and children up to 4 years is available with Tina in the Nursery, also located in the Smith Educational Building.
For campus locations, please see Directions and Campus Map.
Hello Parents and Guardians – if this is your student’s first time with us, please arrive a few minutes early to register your child.
We follow safe church practices, so its important that we know who’s in attendance, have parents(s) or guardian(s) check children in-and-out, and provide us us with any important details including contact info in the event of an emergency. Teachers are happy to help 🙂
Education building doors are locked 10 minutes after church service begins for added security…so give yourself a little extra time this first day. Thanks so much and we look forward to meeting you!
This Sunday’s readings are: Psalm 17:1-9 or 145:1-5, 18-22 or 98, The First Reading is Job 19:23-27a or Haggai 1:15b-2:9, The Second Reading is
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 and the Gospel is Luke20:27-38.
“Sing a new song to the Lord! He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory.” – Psalm 98:1 (Contemporary English Version ~ CEV)
Sunday, November 6th
At the conclusion of each worship service, bags will be offered to the congregation to take home to fill with canned food, powdered milk, and more in support of the Sunday School’s outreach service project – Thanksgiving Food Ingathering – Canned Food Drive.
Also please remember animals-the pets that overnight with the homeless at the shelter – food, blankets, towels or toys are also a welcome gift for them. Look for a special box in the Narthex that the children have lovingly decorated and designated for treasured pets.
The Sunday School will begin collecting canned food for the “Thanksgiving Food Drive” the following Sunday. Please bring any donations to St. Thomas by or before Sunday, November 13th. These will be distributed prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Sunday, November 13th
The Bishop will visit Saint Thomas and we will be having a Family Eucharist. Children will attend the Worship Service with their families. Childcare will be held in the Back of the Church with Tina. We will be receiving food donated to Second Harvest and the children will help with the collection at the door to the church.
Looking Ahead
Over the next few Sundays we will also be taking student input on the Christmas Pageant. We will also begin creating ornaments to decorate a Christmas tree for the upcoming holiday event “The Greening of the Church” on Sunday, December 18th that will include the Christmas Pageant and Soup Luncheon. Plan now to join in on the fun and festivities.
For questions or interest in volunteering, contact Sue Beckham, Family Ministry Director.