Winners Announced
Congratulations to our winners of the Summer Reading Program, Read Me To The Moon, which ran from June 16th through August 11th. Fran Hostettler read a Miss Julia book by Ann Ross and
Sophia De Medeiros read a Harry Potter book.
For details of this year’s program theme and how the program worked, please read below …
This Year’s Theme
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon, please join in the fun-filled lunar theme this year! Everyone is invited to participate in our summer reading program. All you have to do is read any book you want, either from a public library, our church library, borrowed from a friend or one that you have been waiting all year to read from your bookshelf. Too young to read? Just have someone read a book to you.
Special Drawing
For every book you read your name will be entered into a drawing to be held on August 11th. A 2019 Apollo 11 50th anniversary commemorative coin (proof half dollar) will be given to an adult as well as to a young reader. This coin will be on display in the library. Remember, the more you read, the better your chances.
How to Participate
Write your name and title of the book on the MOON. These will be available each Sunday after services in Cowans Hall at the bulletin board. Let’s see how many MOONS will be placed on the bulletin board. If you are a visitor and would like to participate in our program, be sure to put your phone number or email address on the back of the MOON.