Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another
– 1 Peter 4:10
with whatever gift each of you has received.
The message remains as an invitation to participate in the life of the church and there are a variety of opportunities to give of time, resources and heart. Please read on…
Message on Stewardship
When we set “Faith-Filled Generosity” as the theme for this year’s stewardship campaign, none of us could have known what this year would be like. I need not remind you of the disruptions, losses, and anxieties that this year has brought to our communities, for we are all still living with the impacts. I can say, however, that although the coronavirus pandemic has tested our resolve, it has not tested our faith. We are stronger, more resilient, and more connected than we have ever been as a Church and as a community of neighbors. Thank you. Thanks to each one of you doing your part in your homes, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, families, and here in our church.
Our stewardship and our mission this year have been focused on service. As we experienced some months of not being able to gather in person, the usual focus on weekly worship was spread throughout the week as we found ways to gather virtually, taking more time to pray for each other’s needs and serve our communities. You used this time to discover, hone, and put to use the gifts you have received from our Creator God and to serve one another.
I have witnessed the countless ways that you have used your resources for the mission of the Church and to help each other. I have found it inspiring and hopeful as we plan our work together in 2021. This coming year, we will explore the way that our generosity is inspired by our faith, how we are formed and led into relationship with each other as we share our gifts with the world. This is what we mean by “Faith-Filled Generosity.”
How will you discover and use the gifts you have been given to help our church this year? How will you hear the Gospel call to seek and serve Christ in all people, and respond with generosity? As I look at each family, each individual in our community, I realize that we are the stewards of God’s manifold grace because we give to the world from what we have received.
This year, your stewardship committee will be sending you a packet with your pledge card and an appeal. I invite you to receive this with grace and prayer as you consider how you will share with God and God’s Church from what you have received. Please use the included self-addressed envelope to return your pledge card by Pledge Sunday/Ingathering on November 1.
In the spirit of generosity and love,
+ Salying
Stewardship Events
OCTOBER 25: ZOOM Stewardship following worship service (Very informative!)
NOVEMBER 1: In-gathering of Pledges (Thank you for your stewardship!)
Accepting Pledges
For those who are still prayerfully planning their pledge for the 2021 fiscal year, you may submit your pledges by mail to:
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
231 Sunset Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94086.
Thank you for sharing in our ministry.