Pause and Ponder a Little…
As we move forward with the new year, consider how we can demonstrate love in action – caring for one another, the work of the parish, as well as the local and global community? The Lord blesses each of us with a new day, a clean slate, a new beginning, and much more. How can we pay it forward in a very real and practical way – isn’t that what stewardship is about? Caring and Sharing – healing, restoration, and renewal from a place of gratitude and thanksgiving. Spread the joy!
Big Thanks!
On behalf of the 2015 Stewardship Committee – big thanks to everyone for the 2016 pledges received on All Saints Pledge Sunday! We are grateful for your response and support!
Please Pledge
We are still in need of additional pledges to ensure that we meet next year’s budget goals, and to continue the rich work of our community. If you have not yet pledged, please prayerfully consider what you are able contribute. Your support is so important!
How Can I Pledge?
Pledge cards are available for pick-up on a pedestal in the Narthex near the entrance to the Sanctuary, see Directions & Campus Map.
Once you have determined your pledge amount, fill out the pledge card and drop it into the offering plate at any Sunday service, mail it to the church office or hand it to any clergy member.
If you have questions about pledging, please Contact Us*
*Under the AREA OF INTEREST drop-down menu, please select “Stewardship” and include your message.