Reviewing, Editing, Receiving Feedback
The Rector Search Committee continues the process of reviewing and editing the Parish Profile and has received feedback from the Saint Thomas clergy, the Senior Warden and from Joanna Shreve, a representative from the Diocese of El Camino Real. Jim Cobb, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck and Ann Stevenson recently met with the Vestry to describe where we are in the writing process.
Happening Soon
The next step is to assess the feedback, talk to some of the members of the parish and move on to the next draft in order to accurately reflect the heart, mind and soul of Saint Thomas to potential Rector candidates.
Giving Thanks
In addition to your prayers, we can each give thanks for the hard work and commitment among the committee members. God’s presence and guidance is reflected in the ways we listen and work collaboratively and respectfully.
If you have a question, please Contact Us Online or reach out to any member: Jim Cobb (chair), Nancy Allgeier, Cal Cornwell, C. J. Gomez, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck, Lindsay Jacobson, Chris Kenward, Bob Kunz, Lou Poulain, Ann Stevenson, and Keri Williams.