Good News!
Both the Parish Profile and the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) document have been approved by the Vestry and the Diocese. The Parish Profile is now available for viewing on the Rector Search Page of this website.
A huge thanks to Keri Williams, Chris Kenward and Lindsay Jacobson for all their work on the Parish Profile and to Marilyn Winans for the outstanding graphics; to Jim Cobb, Lou Poulain, Jane Houck, Joe Gutierrez and Ann Stevenson for writing the OTM, and to Kristin Munday and Fulvia Govetto for getting information posted to the St. Thomas website. Another big thanks to Jim Cobb for all the behind-the-scenes work he continues to do to manage a myriad of details as well as chair the Rector Search Committee.
Next Steps
The next steps include website posting through the first week of March to ensure a sufficient pool of candidates, initial screening and background checks by the Diocese, and then forwarding the applications to the Rector Search Committee to begin the interviewing process.
We thank you for your prayers and support. If you have a question or concern, we invite you to Contact Us Online or reach out to any member: Jim Cobb (chair), Nancy Allgeier, Cal Cornwell, C. J. Gomez, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck, Lindsay Jacobson, Chris Kenward, Bob Kunz, Lou Poulain, Ann Stevenson, and Keri Williams.