Welcome to ZOOM Worship at St. Thomas
If you haven’t had a chance to practice Zoom, call in at 10:00 AM using the information below to work out any final questions with regard to Zoom usage.
All others, at 10:20 – 10:25 AM Sunday, please connect to our worship meeting.
There are two ways to do this…
1. By computer or smartphone (video and audio):
You may access our ZOOM meeting on the following link:
2. By telephone (audio only):
Dial +1 669 900 9128
3. Meeting ID: 954 611 396
When prompted for a participant number, touch the pound key #
Actual connection time may take several minutes; please be patient.
Once you are connected, your face (or phone number) should appear in a square on your screen, as will the faces of others who have signed in, including Pastor Salying.
Note: For the sake of audio clarity, your mic will be muted on entry.
Today, after the prelude, we will begin with introductory remarks and announcements followed by the Liturgy of the Palms, and then a Morning Prayer celebration of the Sunday of the Passion together as one large body; after that, we will then break out into small groups for “coffee hour” and sermon discussion.
Please find attached the copy of the service bulletin, the youtube link to our palm procession (https://youtu.be/WJb4Cp59fcA), and a pdf of the slides for the Passion reading. These are for your convenience–you don’t need to download any of them, as Pastor Salying will share her screen and sound with you during the service.
Tomorrow service initiates us into Holy Week. We have a lot of offering for your journey and we hope you avail yourselves of them for a profound experience of this week.
You may print the order of service from this document,
OR you may follow along when the order of service appears on the screen.
Thank you 🙂 & see you Sunday!
~Pastor Salying
SUNDAY BULLETIN – Palm Sunday – April 5, 2020
[gview file=”https://stthomas-svale.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Palm-Sunday.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600″]
[gview file=”https://stthomas-svale.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/The-Passion-of-Our-Lord.pdf”]