Sunday Outdoor Eucharist on June 27, 10 AM set up/10:30 Service
Worship in person on the church campus or join online on Sunday June 27.
For those coming In person, come by 10am or earlier to set up on the Labyrinth Courtyard. It would be helpful if you fill out this form. This is to help us plan and supply for your needs. You do not need to fill out this form to attend.
Our sound set-up is currently undergoing renovation/revision. This will still be a bring-your-own-chair service, but additional instructions will vary from those below, and will be provided.
**** instructions below will be revised ****
What you must be able to do or we will show you how:
- Mute and unmute your microphone (*6 on phones)
- Connect your listening accessory to your device
This prevents sound feedback.
This is the procedure for the technology:
- Plug in your listening accessory and put them on.
- All phones connect to Zoom through audio only or through your own cellular data plan if you wish to join with video. You will not need to download the Zoom app for audio only. We are not yet sure how many devices our wifi can handle, so we are reserving the wifi for those who only have tablets or laptops.
Here is the number and passcode: +16699009128,,82690025101#
You will be put into a waiting room and you will be asked to identify yourself. If you do not identify yourself, you might be removed from the call for security reasons.
- For those who only have tablets/computers, connect to the church wifi. Ask for the wifi password, and we will give it to you.
Join the Zoom call here:
- Everyone will be muted by the host. You might not have the ability to unmute yourself. “Raise your hand” if you wish to speak. (*9 for phones.) Everyone but the speaker is muted.
- If there is feedback coming from you, please turn off your speaker. If you need help doing this, ask.
This is the procedure for setting up your seating:
- Six canopies will be set up on the courtyard for shade. Keep six feet distance.
- Bring your own chair. If you cannot, let us know and we will reserve seating on benches near the hall side of the courtyard for you.
- There are six feet markers on the church side of the courtyard and lots of shade.
- You can even find shade in the Alpha-Omega patio if you wish to attend from there.
- Wear your mask!
This is the procedure for the service.
- The host will mute everyone except the speaker.
- Communion will be served only as wafers. The clergy will bring you communion.
- Those who wish home communion, please contact the clergy.
Most of all, bring your patience. All of this has been done to help us do these things:
- Support online and in-person hybrid gathering
- Sacrament of communion
- Safety
- Sound
- Shade
- Seating