During Lent, the congregation is invited to watch 13TH, a Netflix-produced documentary about the 13th amendment.
Watch the movie on Netflix ahead of time, then come to St. Thomas on Wednesday, March 29th at 6:30 PM for a potluck soup supper and group discussion.
If you have no access to Netflix, Cal Cornwell will be having a showing of this film on Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:30 PM. To attend, it is necessary to RSVP to Contact Us. In the text body line, add “RSVP to Cal Cornwall’s Movie Night” and the church office administrator will forward it to Cal for follow-up.
Although the 13th amendment abolished slavery, it did not abolish slavery of prisoners. After the Civil War, there began the process of incarceration of Black men, which formed a new slavery. This documentary tracks how severe the condition has become, especially with for-profit prisons. Watch the official trailer for 13TH here.
If you have any questions or need special accommodations, please Contact Us.
Slide show image derived from original courtesy of Netflix.
Common – A Letter to the Free song is featured in 13TH.