The week beginning on Palm Sunday and culminating on Easter Sunday holds within it the fullness of our faith community’s Christian traditions and beliefs.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus is ushered into Jerusalem with cries of Hosanna!, an acknowledgement that the Messiah has arrived. On Maundy Thursday, a meal is shared and feet are washed in the tradition of the Last Supper and Jesus’ message of servanthood. Good Friday brings us to the crucifixion of Jesus and the glory of God is realized in the Easter Resurrection of Christ.
Please join us in experiencing the deeper meaning of this sacred week at these holy services.
Palm Sunday – March 20
8:00 and 10:30 am Palm Processional and Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Monday – March 21
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:00 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Tuesday – March 22
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:00 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Wednesday – March 23
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:00 pm Evening Prayer in the Church
Maundy Thursday – March 24
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7:00 pm Agape Meal and Foot Washing in Cowans Hall
followed by Holy Eucharist and Stripping the Altar in the Church
Good Friday – March 25
7:30 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
12:00 – 3:00 pm Trehora Service: The Last Seven Words
The first two hours focus on meditations on the Last Seven Words of Christ; the third hour is available for silent meditation, walking the Way of the Cross using mystery screens or walking the labyrinth.
7:00 pm Liturgy for Good Friday
Holy Saturday – March 26
7:00 pm The Great Easter Vigil: The Great Fire, Story-Telling, and Holy Eucharist with Baptism in the Courtyard and Church
Easter Sunday – March 27
9:00 am Festive Holy Eucharist
Easter Egg Hunt to follow morning service
Parents – please bring an empty Easter Basket for every child participating in the hunt!
Slider image derived from original silver gel print by Andrew Munday 2009.