During this time while we shelter in place, there are ways we can stay connected spiritually, and find calm & peace in the midst of the pandemic.
Here are days and times you can connect online to the St. Thomas faith community for prayer, meditation and worship:
TUESDAYS @ 6PM – CENTERING PRAYER, led by Pastor Salying: Zoom Link for Tuesday Evening Centering Prayer
Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID# 724376004
WEDNESDAYS @ 12:15PM – NOONDAY PRAYER with Commemoration of a Saint, led by Pastor Salying:Zoom Link for Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID# 86313271549
WEDNESDAYS @ 6:30PM – COMPLINE with Deacon Bertram: Zoom Link for Wednesday Evening Compline
Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID# 499220185
THURSDAYS @ 9AM – MORNING PRAYER with Deacon Bertram, in connection with St. Margaret’s in Washington DC: Zoom link for Thursday Morning Prayer
Dial-in option: 1 669 900 6833 – Meeting ID# 151825096 – Password: 184402
Via the St. Margaret’s website: https://www.stmargaretsdc.org/
halfway down on the right, click on:
Virtual Noonday Prayer and Lectio Divina on Thursdays
(NOTE: 9am PDT = Noonday in Washington)
SUNDAYS @ 10:30 AM – WORSHIP SERVICE with whole congregation, led by Pastor Salying: Zoom Link for Sunday Worship
Dial-in option: 1 669 900 9128 – Meeting ID# 954611396
Welcome to ZOOM worship at St. Thomas
Sunday, May 3rd
If you haven’t had a chance to practice Zoom, call in at 9:30-10:15am using the information below to work out any final questions with regard to Zoom usage.
All others, at 10:20-10:25am Sunday, please connect to our worship meeting.
There are two ways to do this.
1. By computer or smartphone (video and audio):
You may access our ZOOM meeting on the following link:
2. By telephone (audio only):
Dial +1 669 900 9128
Meeting ID: 954 611 396
When prompted for a participant number, touch the pound key #
Actual connection time may take several minutes; please be patient.
Once you are connected, your face (or phone number) should appear in a square on your screen, as will the faces of others who have signed in, including Pastor Salying.
Note: For the sake of audio clarity, your mic will be muted on entry.
After the prelude, we will have introductory remarks, announcements, and then Morning Prayer together as one large body; we will then break out into small groups for “coffee hour”and sermon discussion.
This latest sermon video and transcription is now available (see below).
Please check back Sunday morning before service for the latest bulletin 🙂
Click here to view the Sunday Service Bulletin.
Click here to view Last Week’s Sermon.
Click here to download a Transcription of Last Week’s Sermon
Thank you and see you Sunday!
~Pastor Salying