You’re invited to join the El Camino Real Diocesan community for a day of spiritual growth with the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church!
The Spring Conference will take place on Saturday, May 2 at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, located at 13601 Saratoga Avenue in Saratoga.
Planned conference start and end times are 10 AM and 3:30 PM, with attendees invited to arrive at 9:30 AM for coffee and snacks.
The theme of the day is “Maturing in Mission: Growing into the Full Stature of Christ.”
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will speak on viewing “Mission through the lens of the Five Marks, and how we understand mission as God’s work in which we partner.” The Five Marks of Mission are:
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
- To teach, baptize and nurture new believers;
- To respond to human need by loving service;
- To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation;
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
In the afternoon she will join Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves for an interactive Q&A session.
The event cost of $25 includes lunch.
The conference is limited to only 200 participants, so sign up today using one of the links below!
Click here to register and pay online.
Click here to sign-up online and mail a check or pay at the door.
Please direct any questions to Mary Beth Powell at