Parish Profile Work Continues
The Rector Search Committee continues the process of reviewing and editing the Parish Profile. Specifically, we have been working on defining and writing St. Thomas’ Core Values which will become part of the Parish Profile and which stems from our recent meeting with Joanna Shreve, Diocesan Search Consultant.
Parish Survey Results in the Narthex
Also, we will be setting out the parish survey results that were displayed at the June 22 Parish Forum. Look for the survey results set up on tables in the west side of the narthex facing the church courtyard.
We thank you for your prayers and support. If you have a question or concern, we invite you to Contact Us Online or reach out to any member: Jim Cobb (chair), Nancy Allgeier, Cal Cornwell, C. J. Gomez, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck, Lindsay Jacobson, Chris Kenward, Bob Kunz, Lou Poulain, Ann Stevenson, and Keri Williams.