Interview Preparation
The Rector Search Committee met with the Rev. Canon Brian Nordwick from the Diocese of El Camino Real and Joanna Shreve, Diocesan Liaison, to discuss the interviewing process now that the Parish Profile has been posted nationally and on the St. Thomas website. The posting will be kept open until March 9. The applications will be sent directly to the diocese, where they will be reviewed, and then forwarded to the Rector Search Committee, which will screen the candidates for phone interviews. A team has been formed to work with Joanna Shreve to prepare interview questions.
We thank you for your prayers and support. If you have a question or concern, we invite you to Contact Us Online or reach out to any member: Jim Cobb (chair), Nancy Allgeier, Cal Cornwell, C. J. Gomez, Joe Gutierrez, Jane Houck, Lindsay Jacobson, Chris Kenward, Bob Kunz, Lou Poulain, Ann Stevenson, and Keri Williams.