Classes will begin after the Advent Wreath Lighting activities. Children will first meet in the Narthex – at the entrance to the Sanctuary (see Directions and Campus Map) in preparation for the wreath lighting procession.
The procession will take place at 10:30 am – the beginning of worship service. Please show-up a few minutes early. The children will be directed on what to do and where to go. After the Wreath Lighting we will process to classes in the Education Building.
This Sunday, children Ages 4 to 7 will meet in the Treasure Classroom while Children ages 8 to 11 will gather in the Disciple’s Room after Advent activities.
We kindly ask that parents of new students check-in with a teacher in one of the Education Building classrooms to register your children for class. They are happy to assist you once Advent activities are finished.
Nursery Care is available for children ages 0 to age 4 in the Education Building.
For Education Building location, see Directions and Campus Map.
The readings for Third Advent: The Psalm is Canticle 9, the First Reading is Zephaniah 3:14-20, The Second Reading is Philippians 4:4-7 and the Gospel is Luke 3:7-18.
THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: Christmas Pageant Rehearsal will be held in the sanctuary following worship service this Sunday. We will be measuring for costumes that day.
A dress rehearsal is scheduled for December 19th at 9:00 a.m. The Pageant will be held on December 20th during the 10:30 worship Service.
Remember to check the website calendar for upcoming events and class information. Don’t forget to check the weekly slider update the day before!
If you have any questions, please Contact Sue.