First Offering of a Four – Part Series on Race and Faith
Conversations are going on all over this country right now, and some of that has been reflected in recent sermons here at St. Thomas. Race and racism are always touchy and difficult topics of discussion. With the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others, and the prominence of the Black Lives Matter movement, this topic has risen in urgency.
The Episcopal Church has developed a program, Sacred Ground, to help participants to confront and work together through the realities of race, privilege, and unconscious bias and see how they affect our communities and our lives.
The program is presented by way of documentary videos and assigned readings and group dialogues. The entire program is designed for ten sessions. Here at St. Thomas we are going to begin the program this summer with three sessions, spaced two weeks apart.
Here at St. Thomas we are going to begin the program this summer with four sessions, spaced two weeks apart.
Session 1. Wednesday July 29, 7:00 pm via Zoom: STEPPING INTO SACRED GROUND
Session 2. Wednesday August 12, 7:00 pm via Zoom: THE ROOTS OF WHITENESS, AND DEEPER ROOTS
Session 3. Wednesday August 26, 7:00 pm via Zoom: WHOSE LAND? EXPLORING INDIGENOUS HISTORY
Session 4. Wednesday Sept. 9, 7:00 pm via Zoom: WHOSE LAND? EXPLORING INDIGENOUS HISTORY
What to Expect
Each session is divided into two parts. The first segment is presentation / dialogue related to that week’s topic.
The second segment is an opportunity to view together the video(s) for the next session. The sessions will run 2 hours, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
We will provide pre-reading material, by way of access to a Google Shared Drive.
There are two recommended books for the series: “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman, and “Waking Up White” by Debbie Irving. The parish library will have a copy of these books. They are available in paperback and Kindle versions on
For Questions and to Attend
For those interested in Zooming with us for the Adult Education Summer Series SACRED GROUND or that have any initial questions, please alert Lou Poulain (see parish directory) or Contact Us.
We appreciate your giving us a “heads-up” as it helps us in making session preparations. In turn, we’ll send an email to you how to access the pre-reading material.
Thank You 🙂