Led by Zanda Pregeant and John Pietrzyk, this will be the final segment on the issue of “Why Are We Here?”
Here’s What We’ll Do
At this time, four questions will be addressed. Folks who are interested will meet, form small groups of three, choose two of the four questions, and then discuss them together.
After thirty minutes, John will call the group together and volunteers will share the findings of the group.
To get everyone ready, please think about the following questions…
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- When did I first hear of the God story? Did one part particularly appeal to me?
- Did my friends ever bring it up outside of church?
- Did I ever have an experience that surprised and shocked me during a church service? (In a good way)
- Did I have an experience outside of church where I felt strongly that there was something more to life than just the regular routine? (Have strong feelings of love, awe of nature, experience someone dying)
Join us this Sunday for a wonderful event!
slider image – Elephant seals around vista point in Hearst-San Simeon State Park, San Simeon, CA by Andrew Munday. Follow the link to learn more about the elephant seal migration in the state of California.