On Sunday, September 23, following the 10:30 AM service, Zanda Pregeant will offer an Adult Ed forum.
This will be a two-part experience:
~ Part One: Prior to the September 23rd forum, view a mini lecture about 15 minutes in length which you can find on YouTube, under the title “Zanda’s Short Answers”. You can view this on your own time line.
~ Part Two: On September 23, between 12:00 and 1:00 PM, those who are interested will meet in Cowan’s Hall to engage in small group sharing. You will find stimulating questions that
relate to the topic at each table. Your table of six people will share their own ideas
to these questions. After a preset time limit, the representatives from the various tables may share
some general ideas if they wish. John Pietrzyk has agreed to organize and lead these discussions.
The question we will be taking up is: “Why are we here?”